A KnockOut! The Secret to Using PPC Ads to Win

November 2, 2020

PPC, Pay Per Click

Compared to SEO, PPC produces traffic through paid advertising.

That doesn’t make it better or worse than SEO, it just offers a different strategy to find your core market. PPC is different because you can market to a wider audience. You can market to more people who may find your website through an organic search.

But what makes the best PPC ads? What makes the best PPC ad strategy?

To achieve the best results in your PPC ads campaign, you need to know the best strategies when it comes to creating PPC ads. You need to know about the auction, online behavior, quality score, and more.

When you understand and master everything about PPC ads, you can accumulate leads and traffic like never before. Here’s a guide on everything you need to know about creating an effective PPC ad strategy.

Understanding Online Behavior in PPC Ads

Although you may understand who your target market is when it comes to the buyer persona, you may not know what they are doing with your ads. You may not know how they are reacting to your website.

If you want an effective PPC strategy, you have to know more about your ideal customer and their behavior. You have to assess what keywords they are using to search for a product and what causes them to leave your ad or website.

Here are some ways you should be analyzing the behavior of your consumer.


One of the best ways to discover if your PPC ads are gaining any traction is to see if anyone is clicking on it. This is the most basic way to evaluate if your ads are desirable to your target audience.

You may discover that you have a lot of clicks on your PPC ads but that’s all there is. It could be that people click on it but your conversions are low. That means the ad is performing well but something is stopping them from purchasing or staying on your website.


Another part of researching user behavior is to look at the keywords they use when they search for a product. You want to assess what short and long-form keywords the consumer is using to find a product in your business.

This is when you have to research keywords based on volume and the difficulty of the keyword. It wouldn’t make sense to try and rank for keywords that are difficult and competitively ranked.

When you research keywords, you are seeing what kind of online behavior your target market is using to find a product. You are then including these keywords into your PPC ads to help the visibility of your ads. Google will show them to the right audience if you include these keywords.

After you find the keywords you need, you should monitor to see if there are any keyword trends and if your consumers are changing the way they search for your product.

Website Visits

Consumer behavior means you should also be measuring website visits. You should see how long a consumer visits your website and what page they are clicking on.

This is critical after someone clicks on your PPC ads. You want people to stay on your website and ideally book an appointment or complete an online sale.

If you discover that consumers are leaving your website, it could be that your website isn’t updated or you sending the wrong message on your website.

Overall, these are the top three things you should be looking at when it comes to consumer behavior. It can help you evaluate what you are doing wrong and what you need to correct.

What Is a PPC Auction?

What is a PPC auction?

It’s how much you are willing to pay to show your ad to the consumer searching for your product.

For example, you may have a quality product and a quality ad, but so do your competitors. You have to bid in order for Google to show your ad. You have to be willing to spend more than your competitors to show your ads.

Here’s a more detailed breakdown of how PPC auction works.

Understanding the Bidding Process

As mentioned before, you have to set a max bid on a set of keywords or a group of keywords for your ad to be seen by the consumer.

You are essentially paying Google to show your ads to the consumer. The more you pay Google, the more your ads will be seen. You want to set a bid that’s higher than your competitors so you are seen on the top of the search.

Is Your Ad Relevant?

Another part of the PPC auction is the relevancy of your ad. Google will show your ad if it’s relevant to your target market. This is why it’s important to have a relevant ad, which includes specific keywords because it will be shown more to your ideal market.

This is why a quality score is important. it determines the relevancy of your ads.

What Is Quality Score?

The PPC ads quality score is how relevant your ad is to your ideal market. If Google scores your PPC ad a 1 out of 10, it means your ad is awful and entirely irrelevant.

However, if you score a 10 on your PPC ads, it means you have an awesome ad and it’s very relevant to your ideal market.

If you want your PPC ads to rank high, you need to know a couple of things. You need to have a high click-through rate, the ad copy should be stellar, and is the spot that the users go to after they click your ad relevant to them?

For example, if a user were to click on your ad about shoes, but it took them to a website about shirts, it would hurt your quality score. The user search doesn’t match what’s displayed on the PPC ad.

This is why it’s important to know the metrics behind the quality score and what can help you create an incredible PPC ad.

What Else Should You Know?

While user behavior, PPC auction, and quality score are critical components of your marketing strategy, you should also know other parts that can help you even more.

You should know about body copy and how to write ads for your market. Here are some tips that can help you create more effective PPC ads.

Writing PPC Ad Copy

When you create your PPC ads, you need to know what you’re going to say to your consumers.

It’s best to mention the benefits of your product. You should talk about what kind of benefit your consumers receive and what problem it helps solve for them.

Your body copy should also have something that grabs your consumer’s attention. If they were to see your ad on the top of a Google search, they should realize the benefit of it. The ad should immediately appeal to their needs.

You should always write for your audience and what they need. Don’t write about your business and what you’ve accomplished.

You should also create intrigue and mystery that goes along with the benefit. It should entice the consumer to take action and not assume that it’s just another ad. You have to use persuasion techniques that can help you produce more clicks and website visits.

Lastly, you should think about the call to action. Try various CTAs that aren’t confusing and entice the consumer to take action. You want to be to the point without being subtle.

Overall, the body copy of your PPC ads is critical if you want your ads to resonate and stand out from the crowd. You want to show people how you can help them and what your product does for them. This is why you need to consider the best PPC ads strategies and marketing trends.

Now You Know Everything About Creating a PPC Ads Strategy

Now that you know everything about PPC ads, it’s your turn to create them and start attracting more traffic to your website. It’s important to remember that your PPC ads need tweaking. You may not achieve perfect results or a perfect quality score right away.

You may have to adjust your ad copy, your website, and the keywords you are using. But the more familiar you become with PPC ads, the more likely you’ll master them and be an expert in them.

If you want help with your PPC ads strategy, you can contact us here.